Digital Strategy Consulting to Unlock Your Digital Potential

As a leading digital strategy consultancy in Zurich and Berlin, B-works partners with companies to unlock the full potential of digital transformation. With our blend of strategic guidance and pragmatic execution, we deliver high-ROI digital strategies that drive tangible business impact.

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As a consultancy for digital transformation, B-works combines strategic know-how and implementation strength. We help you to use the opportunities of digitalization for your organization - from strategy to execution. We are your sparring partner: data-based, strategy-driven and entrepreneurial.

Our digital strategy consulting expertise includes:

Digital maturity assessment and benchmarking

Digital maturity assessment and benchmarking

Data-driven opportunity analysis and roadmapping

Data-driven opportunity analysis and roadmapping

Defining your digital vision and transformation strategy

Defining your digital vision and transformation strategy

Change management and communication strategies

Change management and communication strategies

Building internal digital capabilities and competencies

Building internal digital capabilities and competencies

Agile development of digital products and business models

Agile development of digital products and business models

We combine deep strategic insight with the ability to rapidly execute, taking your digital strategies from paper to practice. Our structured approach ensures your digital transformation initiatives achieve the desired business outcomes.

Contact us to future-proof your company with expert digital strategy consulting.

Why B-works is the Top Choice for Digital Strategy

What sets B-works apart as a digital strategy consultant?

Cross-industry expertise from over 50 projects

Entrepreneurial DNA with 15+ years building digital companies

We pair analysis with action - strategy meets execution

Data-driven approach backed by market insights

We implement strategies through our venturing process

High ROI: Our clients see 2-3x return on consulting spend


We are the first digital strategy consulting choice for ambitious organizations.

Success stories



Our Digital Maturity Framework

We start every engagement by assessing your company's digital maturity across key dimensions:

  • Customer Experience: Seamless omni-channel experiences
  • Operations: Digitization and automation of processes
  • Culture: Internal readiness, capabilities and agility
  • Technology: Modern architectures and tech stack
  • Data and Intelligence: Connected, actionable data flows
  • Innovation: Internal capabilities to innovate digitally

Based on this assessment, we identify priority areas to focus your digital strategy and roadmap where it will generate maximum ROI.

Data-Driven Strategies for Maximum Business Impact

At B-works, we take a data-driven approach to digital strategy development. We provide:

  • Competitive benchmarking analysis
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Market trend analysis and opportunity identification
  • Prioritization based on value vs. feasibility analysis
  • Business case modeling and projections
  • Piloting and validation of assumptions

By leveraging hard data, we ensure your strategies zero in on the highest value digital initiatives with the greatest probability of success.

Building Your Digital Transformation Roadmap

We work collaboratively to build your strategic digital transformation roadmap across 3 horizons:

  1. Quick Wins: Process improvements and digitization
  2. Scaling Core: Digitizing core parts of your business
  3. Future Bets: New digital product and business opportunities

With clear objectives, actions, owners and milestones, our roadmaps catalyze transformation while maintaining alignment across your organization.

We use the latest web technologies

At B-works, we place great value on continuous training in order to keep up with the latest developments. We use the latest technologies for our digitization projects. Our tech stack includes among others:



By using these technologies, we develop future-proof strategies and digital platforms that meet the highest demands. We are looking forward to advising you on possible technologies for your project.

Driving Change Through Communication and Empowerment

Change management is integral to strategy execution. We help you:

  • Identify impacted stakeholders and address concerns transparently
  • Build buy-in at all levels through communication
  • Train employees in digital competencies needed to succeed
  • Develop internal champions and empower teams
  • Promote agile culture and iterate based on feedback

By putting people first, we ensure your organization is energized and united around your digital future.

Translating Strategy to Execution

The hallmark of B-works is seamlessly bridging strategic thinking with pragmatic execution. We take your strategies from paper to market reality through:

  • Prioritizing digital use cases with the highest ROI
  • Implementing new technologies and architectures
  • Digitizing and automating processes
  • Developing new digital products and business models
  • Piloting and iterating new solutions using agile approach
  • Building cross-functional teams to drive execution
  • Providing agile coaching to instill new ways of working

By combining strategy with hands-on implementation, we accelerate your time-to-value and generate momentum across your digital transformation journey.

Launching and Scaling New Digital Businesses

Our expertise in building new digital companies also enables us to rapidly scale your new strategic initiatives. We provide:

Go-to-market strategies and business plans

Marketing, sales and customer acquisition strategies

Organizational design and operational capabilities

Technology infrastructure and IT scalability

Fundraising support and access to investors

Ongoing performance tracking and optimization

We have the playbooks and experience to hit the ground running and rapidly grow new digital products and business models.

Making Your Transformation Sustainable

A one-time initiative is not enough. We partner with you for the long run to ensure your transformation delivers lasting results.

  • Ongoing coaching for leadership and teams
  • Regular check-ins and reviews to ensure you stay on track
  • Continuous capability building through training
  • Regular strategy revisions based on insights
  • Change management Reinforcement
  • Measurement of long-term ROIs and success metrics

Together, we ingrain digital into your company's DNA.

We Deliver Proven Digital Transformation Expertise

With over 15 years' experience, B-works offers digital transformation expertise that gets results:

Over 50 enterprise digital transformation projects

Our strategies yield 30%+ increased efficiency for clients

Over 80% of our recommendations are implemented by clients

Our clients see higher employee engagement post-transformation

We reduce transformation project timelines by up to 40%

Our approach results in millions in cost savings

Our Tailored Approach Meets Your Exact Needs

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all strategies. Our process:

01 —

Thoroughly assess your business and operating model

02 —

Pinpoint your specific pain points and opportunities

03 —

Research digital trends and innovations in your industry

04 —

Workshop scenario ideas for digital solutions

05 —

Evaluate and prioritize highest potential initiatives

06 —

Create a transformation roadmap tailored to your needs

We Focus on Building Internal Digital Capabilities

Success requires organizations to digitally upskill themselves. We build your in-house digital capabilities through:

Digital literacy training and technology workshops

Digital coaching for leadership and teams

Defining new digital workforce roles and skills

Recruiting high-potential digital talent

Establishing centers of excellence for emerging technologies

Providing playbooks and knowledge transfer of our methods

By transferring knowledge rather than creating dependency, we empower your people with the mindset, tools and skills to own and accelerate your digital future.

Our Industry Recognitions

Our commitment to excellence has been recognized by leading industry organizations, affirming our position as a top Digital Transformation Consulting partner.

Top Management Consulting Company

Top Change Management Company

Top Software Developer

Certified Design Thinking Coach

Certified Scrum Product Owner

Certified Scrum Master

Combining Strategic Insight with Innovative Execution

What sets B-works apart is how we pair strategic expertise with the ability to execute innovations rapidly. Our integrated approach includes:

  • Consulting on breakthrough digital business models
  • Ideating and developing digital products and solutions
  • Applying venture building expertise to deploy new offerings
  • Employing agile development to continuously iterate
  • Providing go-to-market strategies to scale successfully

With this fusion of strategic thinking and hands-on innovation, we rapidly convert ideas into tangible business outcomes.

Your Benefits from Partnering with B-works

  • Assessment of your digital maturity and opportunities
  • Data-driven strategies based on actionable insights
  • Clear digital transformation roadmap and priorities
  • Change management and capability building
  • Rapid development of new digital solutions
  • Ongoing support to ingrain transformations sustainably

We offer end-to-end digital transformation consulting powered by strategy, innovation and results. Let's achieve your digital vision together.


Unlike pure strategy advisors, we also take care of operational implementation and have a proven track record of launching innovations with real impact.

With our 15+ years of experience and cross-industry expertise, we can successfully execute challenging initiatives with specific boundary conditions and constraints.

We take a structured, results-driven and practical approach to sustainably advancing your company’s digital maturity.

Through change management grounded in psychological expertise, we engage your employees and build acceptance.

With our focus on rapid implementation, we deliver first quick wins within just a few weeks.

We remain by your side to ensure sustainability and continue advancing your digital maturity.

Contact Us to Start Leading Your Digital Future

Ready to transform your company into a digital leader? B-works offers the expertise and experience to guide your success. Contact us now to:

  • Discuss your digital goals and challenges
  • Kickstart your transformation with a digital maturity assessment
  • Brainstorm ideas and opportunities to pursue
  • Create a tailored digital strategy and roadmap

Let's start leading your digital future today. Our team looks forward to your project.

Get in touch


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